The workshop explores the body universe from its physicality to its ability to sense and expand its possibilities beyond the conventional boundaries imposed by dance...
The HUMAN MOVEMENT ALPHABET* has been key in my movement practice and creation. I'm excited to share insights, games and methods on how the HMA can become useful to you, too. Join me in this short Online series or write to me for private sessions from the 12th to the 18th of July!
THE HUMAN MOVEMENT ALPHABET* ONLINE seriesw/ Manuela Martella12th / 14th / 16th JULYMonday / Wednesday / Friday6.30pm to 8pm (CET)
* The HUMAN MOVEMENT ALPHABET is the operating system of the Axis Syllabus. Frey Faust is the inventor of the Axis Syllabus and the HMA has been accompanying his research since 25 years. In the past two years I have been contributing to its review and extension. Frey Faust and myself are the co-authors of the freshly published 3rd edition of the HMA tutorial, which you can purchase here >>>
Beyond the Invisible Boundaries Movimiento Constante Workshop with Juan Jesùs Guiraldi
25-26 Jun 2022 in Luxembourg
The workshop explores the body universe from its physicality to its ability to sense and expand its possibilities beyond the conventional boundaries imposed by dance...
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The HUMAN MOVEMENT ALPHABET* has been key in my movement practice and creation. I'm excited to share insights, games and methods on how the HMA can become useful to you, too. Join me in this short Online series or write to me for private sessions from the 12th to the 18th of July!
THE HUMAN MOVEMENT ALPHABET* ONLINE series w/ Manuela Martella 12th / 14th / 16th JULY Monday / Wednesday / Friday 6.30pm to 8pm (CET)
15€ (single session) 35€ (all 3 sessions)
Registration Whatsapp: +39 346 8929955 Mail:
* The HUMAN MOVEMENT ALPHABET is the operating system of the Axis Syllabus. Frey Faust is the inventor of the Axis Syllabus and the HMA has been accompanying his research since 25 years. In the past two years I have been contributing to its review and extension. Frey Faust and myself are the co-authors of the freshly published 3rd edition of the HMA tutorial, which you can purchase here >>>
Two week workshop with Maria Mora
The Moving Body, an intimate dialogue (week 1) 2 - 9 of July
The Relational Body, an interactive convergence (week 2) 9 - 16 of July